Friday, 6 April 2012

On Friday the 30th of March, I joined media and film studies students from my school on a trip to Paris. The object of this trip was to visit an independent film festival running across the Saturday and Sunday.

The films we saw varied in length, topic, method of shooting among other things and were all very interesting to observe. Some were filmed in black and white, occasionally using selective colour on specific objects or shots for dramatic effect. Some were done using cartoon/animation. Some were shot on film cameras as opposed to digital.
Each film had a very different story line chosen by the director. Some were documentaries about personal issues close to their hearts. Some were about dramatic incidents and revelations. Some were completely weird and make believe.
On the Sunday we also attended a talk on editing, where we were spoken to by a professional editor about the basics of editing and how he conducts it in the industry.
We also got the chance over the weekend to go out and explore Paris and to visit inspirational sites such as the Eiffel Tower, which my group actually went to the top of.

Everything I took in from the weekend I can now use to contribute towards the evaluation on my main task as I think it will help me find criticisms in my work of things I perhaps may not have noticed so much before.

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